In accordance with applicable law, if customers are not satisfied with the Bank’s reply after filing a complaint regarding banking/financial and/or insurance services or have not received a response within the period specified by law for the specific type of complaint (60 days for banking/financial services or 15 working days (or 35 working days in exceptional cases) for claims regarding payment services) they may appeal to the following:
For details of how to make an appeal to the Ombudsman and its scope of responsibility either consult the website, request information at branches of the Bank of Italy or contact the Bank.
Association for the resolution of banking, financial and corporate disputes – ADR, registered at no. 3 in the Roll held by the Ministry of Justice. The Regulation of the Banking and Financial Conciliator can be consulted on the dedicated website or by making a request to the Bank.
Alternatively, you may also appeal to other mediation bodies, as registered in the specific roll held by the Ministry of Justice and to be found at the website