Our Foundations for success

illimity is the bank that supports companies in the areas of performing, restructuring and relaunching.​ Specialist expertise in Corporate & Investment Banking and technological innovation, together with a focus on asset-based financing, are the three key factors of our strategy. ​
In our five-year history we have built a solid, leading-edge business and this is reflected in the results we have achieved to date. ​



We are a bank specialised in corporate credit, helping companies implement growth plans, facing a period of discontinuity or relaunching after a difficulty. We have a significant market position thanks to sustainable competitive advantages: performing SME loans, management of Unlikely-to-Pay loans and asset-based financing.



Our people are our main strength. illimity boasts an enthusiastic and closely-knit management team and a proven ability to attract talent from over 350 different organisations, with 73% of illimiters coming from non-banking sectors.​



We believe technology is the main driver of change and one of the main differentiating factors to compete, so we created a unique IT architecture that is fully digital, fully modular and fully in-cloud.



We are ESG native and we act with responsibility. ESG principles are natively integrated in our business model and in all our activities. Find Out More



Net profit of 104 million euro in 2023, the highest since the birth of illimity, driven by the growth of the core business and the valorisation of technology.​

Our three pillars

Corporate & Investment Banking
Specialised Credit
illimity SGR
Key Highlights
  • SME loans and investments of ca. 4.1 billion euro.​
  • Various initiatives are strengthening our strategic asset portfolio: we will further develop the strategic projects we have launched during these 5 years.​
  • B-ILTY was created in 2022 as the banking platform for small corporates that provides latest generation financial management services and grants medium- to long-term loans, specifically designed to support businesses in their growth.​
  • We have developed a unique IT architecture, fully modular and in-cloud, whose value has been enhanced through the partnership with Engineering entered in 2023. ​
  • illimity has always placed special emphasis on ESG issues and has followed a virtuous path from the very beginning, building sustainability into its strategies, processes and Group governance and obtaining significant results in only 5 years. Its 2023-2025 Sustainability Plan sets sustainable finance and social objectives as well as those seeking to maintain a governance profile in line with international best practice, all of which integrated with the various core spirits of the Group’s business. ​

Investing in illimity

A high technological bank focused on Italian SMEs and digital financial services with a distinctive business model

A unique player on large growing markets


A unique player on large growing markets

- Focus on most attractive segments of Italian SMEs market
- Unique market positioning through sustainable competitive advantages

Sustainable double-digit profitability


Sustainable double-digit profitability

- Strong revenue growth with a unique and balanced mix of income sources
- Visible operating leverage gains across all our Divisions
- Unique IT architecture generating profit via IP license

Strong balance sheet


Strong balance sheet

- CET 1 ratio confirms the high ​level of the bank’s solidity
- Strong liquidity ratios and effective ALM
- Resilient portfolio quality backed by very selective underwriting, high proportion of loans with public guarantees or credit insurance

ESG native


ESG native

- ESG commitments included in our incentive schemes ​
- ESG-based metrics integrated in underwriting practice
- ESG values integrated into long-term incentive scheme

Targeting above-industry profitability by consolidating our presence in large and growing markets with a unique and sustainable business model