December 14th 2020 — Live Streaming

Let’s talk about

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December 14th 2020 — StartupItalia Open Summit 20
Let’s talk about space

A new format to look beyond patterns and shape possible futures

Are you looking for inspiration to take your business beyond current borders?
On 14 December, as part of the StartupItalia Open Summit and in collaboration with Formiche, this illimity talk will focus on "Let's talk about space" with Roberto Vittori, an astronaut and general of the army and Corrado Passera, founder & CEO of illimity.

Two explorers discuss their pathways through life and how the world is today.
Where does the desire to look beyond come from and how can one nourish it?
What skills and expertise are needed to face space and the new working world?
What is the best way to manage relationships in very small spaces?
Roberto Vittori and Corrado Passera will take us beyond borders to look at the world from afar and reflect on what awaits us in the future.
Such a journey will definitely be out of this world.

StartupItalia Open Summit 20
Live Streaming

14 December 2020
from 4:00 P.M.

The Speakers

Roberto Vittori
Astronaut and general of the army
Roberto Vittori, general of the army, astronaut of the European Space Agency (ESA) and current space officer in Washington in his career has three flights aboard the International Space Station. As a test pilot he has accumulated approximately 2,500 flight hours on fifty different types of aircraft, helicopters and gliders.
Corrado Passera
Founder & CEO illimity
A degree in Business Administration from Bocconi University, an MBA from the Wharton School in Philadelphia, and his early professional years at McKinsey. Corrado Passera has focused his career on the challenge of innovation: from Olivetti to illimity, passing through Poste, Intesa Sanpaolo, and his government role as Minister for Economic Development, Infrastructure, and Transport. In 2018, he founded illimity, where he is the founder and CEO.



There is something that we all have inside, that we need to develop it with curiosity and interdisciplinarity. It is called potential, because it can become a great power, allowing us to be free.

Corrado Passera

CEO illimity

If we talk about startups, we can't not consider space. We have a great opportunity, to discover the lunar surface: what a better startup?

Roberto Vittori

Astronaut and general of the army

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