Message from the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Dear friends of illimity,

We present this first financial statement at a very difficult time both for our country and the entire international community. In addition to the healthcare emergency, there is an economic one and everyone’s priority must be to embark upon a new phase of sustainable development.
We feel more committed than ever to our three core activities: working closely with entrepreneurs who are engaged in development projects or company turnarounds; investing and servicing in distressed credits; and providing families and businesses with the most advanced direct banking services.

illimity was created by a group of passionate people, convinced that there is a wide market space in these three sectors for the development of a bank built on completely innovative paradigms. A bank that brings benefits to our community.
Our technological architecture has enabled us to guarantee the best operational continuity to our customers and our partners at all times, while guaranteeing the utmost safety of all of our employees. In this first year, we have grown considerably: today, there are nearly 500 illimiters from roughly 150 different companies, with different professional skills and backgrounds, but all sharing the strong values that we seek to apply every day in the construction of our bank: entrepreneurship, independence, innovation and responsibility.
We are very proud of our initial results: we have around 3 billion euros in assets and more than 30,000 customers; we reached breakeven by the final quarter of the year. But especially, we were able to identify and leverage hidden potential that, partly down to our contribution, can bring more dynamism to our economy and our society.
We have ambitious goals, but have our feet firmly on the ground. We strive to fully satisfy investors all over the world, who have believed in us and given us considerable capital to launch our project, while always maintaining a strong focus on sustainability, including in the medium term.
We expect very difficult months ahead and we need to prepare ourselves, like everyone, to deal with scenarios that are in part still unpredictable. We have sufficient resources and the spirit to handle the most difficult challenges.
We are fully committed to presenting our next financial statements with just as much satisfaction, at a better and clearer time for Italy, and we fully expect that, as in other emergencies, our country will show the best of itself in these important few months.